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Online BOD, COD, TSS In Sewage Water Treatment Plant

Online BOD, COD, TSS In Sewage Water Treatment Plant


The water which gets contaminated or polluted with waste is known as sewage water. It is also known as wastewater. The water after it has been used for domestic, industrial and other purposes is termed sewage water. The PH level of the sewage water is 7.5 to 9.5 but it may reduce when the acidic formation takes time to form. The harmful effect of sewage water is they develop algae growth in the water. Sewage water consists of grey water and black water. The sewage pollution is due to overpopulation and it affects biodiversity, aquatic life, agriculture and eutrophication and it may increase the biological oxygen demand (BOD). The causes of sewage water are cooking fat, use of toilets as bins, overcapacity of wastewater, flooding, improper handling of wastewater, root infiltration.

Let’s see the Facts about Sewage Water Treatment Plant,

At first, the sewage water should get treated with certain treatment process. The sewage water treatment plant is also called wastewater treatment aims to get free of waste and contaminants in water. There are many sewage water treatment processes that range from decentralized system to large centralized system which includes pipes and pump stations. The potential causes for environmental effects are organisms, nutrients, pathogens, organic matter and inorganic matter. The types of sewage water treatment involve primary water treatment, secondary water treatment and tertiary water treatment.

OxyMem Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor,

The OxyMem membrane aerated biofilm reactor is the technology used in the sewage water treatment plant for the treatment of both municipal sewage and industrial wastewater.

Is There A Difference Between Sewage & Waste Water Treatment?

Yes, there is a difference in both sewage and wastewater treatment. The sewage water is a subset of wastewater. There are four stages of wastewater treatment involved they are sludge thickening, sludge digestion, dewatering and disposal.


The water industries have an extreme composition of unwanted and waste impurities and also hard composition like high proportion of acids, solids and other parameters include temperature. The wastewater in the industrial plant should get treated with the sewage water treatment plant before it gets discharged to the large water bodies and public sectors because the water plays an important role in the cleaning or production process. Through the sewage water treatment process, the production of treated wastewater in the industries will be doubled. To handle and reduce the amount of sewage water it should be monitored and controlled regularly using real-time monitoring. The online sewage water treatment has been basically classified into physical treatment method, chemical treatment method and biological treatment method.


The process of online sewage water treatment involves,

  • Preliminary Treatment

This treatment is used to remove gross solids like cloth, can, dead bodies of animals, plastics. The preliminary treatment involves certain steps,

  1. Screening (Removes gross solids disposed by burning or composting)
  2. Grit removal (It is a non – biodegradable particle and gets removed from grit tank by the regular flow of velocity of sewage)
  3. Skimming (Removal of fatty and oily materials in sewage)
  • Primary Treatment

This treatment is used to remove the remaining suspended solids or materials. The primary treatment involves certain steps,

  1. Sedimentation (Removal of suspended solids or organic matters in sewage)
  2. Mechanical flocculation (Sewage rotates in circular motion in flocculation tank, where the small size solids forms into large size solids and settles at bottom then it gets completely removed)
  3. Chemical flocculation (Sewage is placed in coagulation tank, then add precipitating agent like alum for removal of sewage material)
  4. Neutralization (It is the chemical reaction where acid and base quantitatively react together to form salt and water as products)
  • Secondary Treatment

This treatment is used in the removal of organic materials which are dissolved or colloidal. In this treatment, microorganisms utilize and convert organic matters into inorganic minerals. The secondary treatment involves certain steps,

  1. Trickling filter (It can reduce sewage of BOD depending on the rate of filtration)
  2. Oxidation ditch (Sewage from primary treatment in oxidation ditch then it gets agitated with help of mechanical rotator)
  3. Activated sludge tank (By sludge digestion process BOD can be reduced)
  4. Septic tank (It is used for removal of toilet waste where sewage is not available)

Tertiary or Final Treatme

This is the final treatment process that involves the removal of chemicals in sewage before it gets disposal into large water bodies. The final treatment involves certain   steps,

  1. Removal of suspended solids (Sedimentation process is used in removing suspended solids)
  2. Removal of dissolved solids like salt (Dissolved solids can be removed by reverse osmosis method. In this process ions are removed)
  3. Removal of nitrate and phosphate (The denitrifying bacteria converts nitrate into nitrogen gas and phosphate gets removed)
  4. Killing of microorganisms (The microorganisms gets removed or killed by using disinfectant with iodine or chlorine. It has a high effectiveness in killing microorganisms)


  • Chemical Oxygen Demand COD (mg/l)
  • Biochemical Oxygen Demand BOD5 (mg/l)
  • Temperature (°C)
  • Suspended Solids (SS mg/l)  


The biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is defined as the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) present in the sewage water required for decomposition of organic matters in sewage water by the aerobic microorganisms through online method with the help of real-time monitoring like IOT format. The value of BOD is measured by milligram of oxygen per litre of water (mg/ L). There are certain reduction methods in biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), they are, Wastewater clarification (The Wastewater clarification is the primary phase in reduction method used to remove organic solids with the force of gravity along with the chemical separation process), Wastewater separation (The  Wastewater separation is the removal of solids by coagulation and flocculation), anaerobic microbial decomposition (The process is defined as the breakdown of organic matters in the absence of oxygen for the generation of biogas).


  • BOD value is used in the sewage water treatment to identify the overall organic matter present in the water source.
  • The high value of BOD indicates the high pollution level and the low value of BOD represents low pollution in the water source.
  • Industries need to know the value of BOD to know whether treated wastewater is good for reuse or disposal.


The chemical oxygen demand (COD) is one of the water quality parameters which is used to measure the amount of oxygen required for the chemical oxidization of organic matters and inorganic matters present in the sewage water. It is one of the well-known technologies used with the help of real-time monitoring and IOT in the water industries for the removal of chemical substances in sewage water. It indicates the mass of oxygen consumed per litre of solution which is expressed in terms of milligrams/gram per litre. It is used to measure indirectly the amount of organic waste present in liquid waste. When there is a reduction of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the sewage water then it leads to a higher level of chemical oxygen demand (COD) which means the amount of oxidizable material in sewage water will be at a higher level. It affects mostly the forms of aquatic life. The normal ratio of untreated sewage water range from 0.3 to 0.8 but when the untreated sewage sample ratio range from 0.5 or higher then it can be treated with the help of a biological method.


 This is the most interesting question where the Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is the decomposition of organic matters by aerobic condition with the amount of oxygen consumed by bacteria. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) is the amount of oxygen required to remove overall organic matters.


  • The chemical oxygen demand (COD) is used as the measurement of pollutants present in sewage water.
  • The total chemical oxygen demand (COD) in sewage water is critical for characterization and accurate biotransformation in sewage water.
  • The biodegradability of sewage water samples will be rapid in COD tests.


The total suspended solids have a major impact on environmental health and human health. The total suspended solids (TSS) has various process which includes screening, filtration, flotation methods and it is one of the water quality monitoring parameters by using the internet of things technology with real-time monitoring devices. The higher level of total suspended solids (TSS) may decrease the level of dissolved oxygen in the sewage water and disturb the water quality with an increase in the temperature. The total suspended solids (TSS) materials that gets removed are silt, decaying plant, animal matter etc


  • The online sewage water treatment is used to treat and increase the quality of water with the help of technology by preserving the natural environment, saving and processing water to upgrade the quality of life.
  • By using the sewage water treatment plant we will be able to reuse the treated sewage water and it will help us to save money in other treatments.
  • Online sewage water treatment helps in the reduction of untreated waste water.

We bring the latest science, technology and best practice to provide high-quality wastewater treatment solutions that meet industry standards and help you effectively reduce, reuse, and recycle water.

Explore our website https://dewborn.com/  for further ideas and details about wastewater treatment or write to us at maa.dewborn@gmail.com to learn about our products and services.

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